UMS for Fizik ICS Compatibility
KB-00002.3 2021-05-21
You would like to know more about the UMS mounts compatibility with different Fizik ICS slot styles
The Fizik ICS slot is a optional mount standard found on most Fizik saddles. Some new and OEM Fizik saddles do NOT include an ICS slot. If your saddle has an ICS slot, it will typically be covered by the Fizik logo clip-in badge as shown in the picture below.
None of the 2020 Fizik Argo saddles are compatible. They all lack the ICS slot. Certain bike manufacturer OEM variants (i.e., Canyon) are also not compatible due to the lack of an ICS slot.
On some Fizik saddles the ICS slot is obstructed or closed. Bup direct mounts for Fizik use a stop to prevent the mount from coming out easily. If the mount cannot be fully inserted, or the stop cannot be accessed, the mount cannot be attached to the saddle.
To be compatible, the saddle must have an ICS slot with clearance behind the slot. These are examples of COMPATIBLE saddles with open ICS slots:
To be compatible, the ICS slot must have 12+ mm (~1/2 in) of space behind the slot opening. The saddle image on the left has a cover that blocks full mount insertion, the saddle on the right is unobstructed and compatible.
Here are some examples of incompatible saddles where the ICS slot is obstructed:
This type of closed ICS slot (on the original Aliante Gamma) is not compatible because of the closed cup:
This type of Fizik R5 saddle has a rail that runs across the rear of the saddle that prevents full insertion:
Some saddles have a shark fin on the bottom. These may be problematic if the fin is within less than 12 mm (~1/2 in) of the back of the ICS slot. Some fins are positioned too close while others are not (most are not - e.g. a Gobi model saddle). Measure the distance to be sure if your saddle has a fin like this.

If you have a different model with an ICS slot type not shown here, please contact us so we can update this article.
Last Updated May, 2021